Reading Notes: Down the Rabbit Hole Pt. 1

 Down the Rabbit hole pt.1

Source Story: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865).


Alice was bored.

She felt sleepy and stupid.

She saw a rabbit.

The rabbit spoke to itself.

The rabbit had a watch. 

She followed it down a hedge and she fell it down straight down for a long time.

She sees lots of things setup around her way down as if people were living there. 

She was falling for like forever. 

She had time to sit around and think about stuff as she continued falling. she has some really obscure thoughts.

She got excited about meeting people on the other end of the world. 

She literally got bored falling.

She finally hit some sticks, but she was fine. 

She continued after the white rabbit. 

She went into a hallway lined with locked doors. 

Alice started on her way down the hallway, she found a key on a table. but it didn't go to any of the doors.

She found a tiny door and the key worked.

She looked out the tiny door then looked back at the table and saw a bottle that said d"rink me."

Alice eventually drank the drink, and she shrank and went through the door. 

She forgo the key on the table when she was tall. 

There were more obscure antecedents. 

She eventually saw a box, and found a cake that had a note that said to eat it. 

She ate it.


This piece made me feel like I was experiencing some sort of drug trip. I feel like that author sat down and kept debating if he wanted to write a horror piece or just a children's book. its as if the story goes "there is a girl, she saw a pretty rabbit, NOW SHES FALLING FOR AN ETERNITY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, NOW SHE IS TRAPPED IN A HALLWAY, but its ok because there is cake :)". I love the raw creativity the author brings with some interesting association between otherwise obscure topics. 


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