Reading Notes: Canto 1: Dante and Virgil

Story source: Dante's Divine Comedy, translated by Tony Kline (2002).


In the middle of his life doanta was faced with a dark thick wood.

he wants to tell of what he saw in there.

he made it to an opening and at the foot of an incline his path was blocked by a lepard. 

dantae was afraid. he turned back to the depths he came from and was met with VIrgil.

Virgil was a man who lived in rome under agustus. 

Virgil aked why Dantae is going back to the wood.

Dantae had heard of the great poet VIrgil and was a huge fan. Dantae started crying.

Virgil knew of the lepard. Virgil sayd it is vishious and does not tolerate men. 

Virgil says it might be smarter if Dantae just follows him as a guide. So, the two move on together.


I did not appreciate the verbiage used in this text. I appreciate the time period but the way things were describe in such ambiguous terms made it difficult for me to tell what was going on. I think if i were to write it i would use lamesn terms and possibly do a little more explaining as to why the beast hated men. 


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