Extra Credit Reading Notes: The Fisherman and His Wife part 3

Story source: Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm


Now the wife wants to be Emporer. 

The fisherman doubted that the fish could ever do something so grand. 

The wife snapped at him and demand, as his king, that he go talk to the fish. 

The fish (seemingly beginning to get annoyed) granted the wish to be Emporer.

Now she wants to be a pope. 

So the man begrudgingly went and asked the fish and the fish made his wife pope. 


At this point, the suspense is building. Every new request has been handing at the edge of my seat waiting for someone to finally snap. Whose will will win? Will the wife finally get satisfied or will the fish's patience run out first? What started out as a fairly mundane and uneventful story is turning into something that genuinely grabbed my attention. I cant wait to see what will happen all because of the suspense. When I read the first story I didn't care at all about what happened but by this point, I'm drawn in and engaged. 



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