Personal Introduction

    Hello, One and All,

    My name is Kevin (Kev) Grane. I am a senior here at the University of Oklahoma. I am originally from Plano, Texas where I graduated Plano West Senior Highschool in a class of 1,350. I came to the University of Oklahoma to pursue a degree in religious studies and a minor in health and exercise. I have done quite a bit of study abroad at OU. I am just now returning from a semester at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. I will include a picture of the University of Edinburgh below.

    This summer I had an awesome opportunity to be a research fellow with Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, I was unable to research in person but I was glad to participate via Zoom. This summer we studied Jewish spirituality and Mysticism in the 21st century. This means we looked at how traditional sects of Judaism viewed their faith as opposed to modern sects. This quickly became a spectrum of each sect identifying on a scale branching from hardcore legalism to free form spirituality. I was shocked ot find sich a broad range of practices given that my initial impression of Judaism was widely legalistic. I will throw in a picture of the university where I was supposed to be spending the summer below. Though, it is worth mentioning that i will be able to go next summer before I start grad school!

    Alongside the study of Jewish spirituality, this summer I had an internship with a missions church in Oklahoma City. There we would deliver roughly 1,100 meals to families who were suffering from poverty. Then we had the opportunity to pick up kids from various areas and host a bible club. In bible club, we would play games, teach a sermon, and allow the kids to have some free time on the water slide, rock wall, and much more. We then took them home at the end of the day only to wake up and do it all over again the next morning. It was honestly so exhausting but it worked wonders for my relationship with Christ. 

    So there ya have it. That is a little about me and what i have been doing this summer!


  1. Oh wow, Edinburgh: I am so jealous, Kev! And of course Kevin is a name with a great Celtic heritage. Are you interested in Celtic story traditions? There is some AMAZING stuff, including heaps and folktales and legends from Scotland: Scottish folklore / full-text books online ... and a big YES to travel resuming for summer 2021; I know this was not the summer anyone expected, but I am impressed by the idea of international scholarly Zoom: just imagine what the ancient rabbis would have thought of that! I worked on Islamic mysticism this summer, collecting stories from Sufi sources, which has some overlap here and there with Jewish mysticism also... if you are interested, here's the preliminary collection of Tiny Tales from the Sufis ... if all goes well, the book should be done at the end of October; I'm editing it right now. I got to use a lot of cool sources for this one and I learned so much writing it. I want to do a follow-up book on Legends of King Solomon using Jewish, Christian, and Islamic sources. And hey, you can never have too many stories to share if you are going to be working with children!
    Anyway, it sounds like there will be lots of overlap in this class with your interests, and I am so curious to see what kind of project you will want to do!

  2. Hi Kev,

    I'm also from the Dallas area! I grew up in Carrollton and now I reside in Coppell. I went to Newman Smith!

    Thank you for sharing your study abroad experiences! They are so fascinating! I actually got to visit Edinburgh last summer and it was beautiful! What was your favorite part about Scotland?

    I also am extremely jealous that you almost got to spend time in Jerusalem, but really sad to hear that it got cancelled! I hope that one day you can actually make it out there.


  3. Kev, I think it's really awesome that you've been able to study abroad so much! I wanted to study abroad in Germany for a hot second, but changed my mind unfortunately. I was a German minor for a little before I decided that I'd rather learn the language on my own time then suffer in awkward conversations. That said, I'm definitely jealous that you've managed to go to all these places because it's one of my dreams to go out of the country and explore what they have to offer.

  4. Hi Kev!

    For starters I like the theme of your blog, very intriguing! I am also a senior and from Texas, the class sizes there are insane right? That's such a bummer you weren't able to go in person to Jerusalem. I was fortunate enough to go there 2 summers ago, and it was amazing. If you ever get the chance to go in person, I highly recommend it! Good luck this semester and in the future!

    -Katie H

  5. Hey Kev!
    I think it is so cool that you have had the chance to study abroad so much! I am so jealous because I have always wanted to do that but have never had the chance. I am also excited to hear that you are minoring in health and exercise science because that is actually my major. Anyway, it was great meeting you and I hope you can continue to study abroad at more cool places.

  6. Hi Kev!

    How was Scotland? It sounds like a dream trip to me and it's so awesome that you were able to travel there. It sucks that you weren't able to go to Jerusalem like you had originally planned but I'm glad that you will be able to travel there after you graduate. It sounds like you've had a very eventful summer. I hope you're having an excellent day when you read this comment.

  7. It is so awesome that you are so dedicated to your major, and you are so passionate about religious studies! All of the things you have had the chance to do sound like really amazing experiences, I loved reading about them. Your experience this summer sounds amazing. I think it' great how much time you dedicate to working with and for others so selflessly.

  8. Hi, Kev! Looks like you've experienced so much this year! A semester overseas and an internship? You must have been so busy. What did you love the most about Scotland? And did you build some meaningful connections with the kids? Nice to meet you!

  9. Hi Kev! Wow That is amazing that you were able to study abroad in Scotland! I was able to visit Edinburgh once as well. I wish I could go back! How was your experience overall? I am sorry that you were unable to make it to Jerusalem. It has been great to meet you! I look forward to reading your stories throughout the semester : )

  10. Hi Kev, I lived in that area of Texas as well! You have had such interesting experiences, I would love to go to Scotland. I normally would think that was just awesome but your research fellowship sounds just as incredible. It sounds like you should be tired from all of this but you're finishing up school which is awesome! Though I'm sure you would've preferred going in person I can't imagine how interesting it still was via zoom. Plus an internship, it all seems so hectic but amazing.

  11. Hi Kev! I'm super jealous you were able to study abroad, especially in Scotland! That college looks beautiful and Scotland has been one of my must travel destinations for a while now. It's also super cool to hear about your experience with Judaism. It seems like it made a very good impression on you. Anyways, it was nice getting to know you and good luck on the rest of your senior year!

  12. Hi Kev!

    It's cool to see how involved you are in your faith. That's really cool that you still got to go to Scotland, especially with the health situation around the world. The spirituality study sounds really interesting. What missions church did you work with? That sounds fun getting to enjoy all of those amenities, teach kids, and help them grow closer to God. Hope you have a good rest of your semester!

  13. Hi Kevin! What church did you work at this summer? I am from Oklahoma City, and attend Crossings Community Church. They have an incredible outreach, with a clinic, community center, an expanding prison ministry, etc. I love hearing about your background and experiences. We went to Edinburgh for a couple days when I was young, but I'd love to go back!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Kev! That is awesome that you were able to study abroad. I am currently looking into options for myself in Europe so any advice you have would be incredible. You seem like such a well traveled person which is super fun especially getting to do all of that while young. What are you hoping to do with your major? And how are you wanting to incorporate your minor if you are wanting to at all?? Good luck this year and I cannot wait to read more from you!

  16. Hey Kev! SUPER jealous of you and your study abroad adventures. I was supposed to study abroad this summer (Sevilla, Spain for Spanish 3 credit) but, corona had different plans. I'm happy you at least got to participate in your summer program via zoom, even though it's nowhere near the real thing. I love how you were so devoted this summer, to yourself and your studies, but also to those around you who need a little extra help.

  17. Hi, Kev! It's so cool that you've gotten to study abroad and work with institutions from other areas of the world. I also learned a lot about Judaism this summer through a job at a kosher restaurant and found it all really fascinating. It seems like you really know what you're passionate about. That's awesome. I hope you find success in your studies and career.

  18. Hi Kev,

    That is so cool that you have done so many study abroad trips. I am a senior as well, and I think that is something I regret not trying to do more of during college. Good luck on your journey into graduate school. You seem very passionate and motivated, and I am sure that you will be awesome. I hope you have a great semester!

  19. Hi Kev :)
    That's so cool you're a religious studies major! I'm sorry you didn't get to go over to Israel, but I'm really happy you've gotten to travel other places, especially Scotland! I've always wanted to visit there and Ireland. Hopefully, I get to go there soon!
    I think it's awesome how passionate you are about your major. I know whatever career you go down with your degree, it's going to need passionate people like you!
    I hope the rest of your semester goes really well :)

  20. Hi Kev!

    Thank you for sharing about yourself, I find your stories quite interesting. It's nice to see that you've spent a part of your school life abroad at the University of Edinburg in Scotland; this is something that I wish everyone should take advantage of at least once in their college career. Of course, saying this, I haven't been abroad but oh, do I wish that I could. Just too many barriers for me for that! I hope to be reading more from you soon and wish you the best of luck in the future!

  21. Hello Kev, I think that it is so cool that you have been able to study abroad and or participate so much. I have always wanted to study abroad just to be able to visit new places and have that experience, but I just have not been able to have the chance yet. I also think that it is so cool that you were able to help so many people this summer.

  22. Hey Kev,

    I think it's so cool that you've been able to study abroad so much through OU. I'm super jealous that you got to spend time in Edinburgh because I was supposed to study at Oxford last summer and was planning on visiting Scotland. I'm glad you'll be able to do your canceled research abroad next summer, though! I hope you've had a good Thanksgiving break so far!

  23. Hi Kev, wow Edinburg looks so beautiful. It gives my Hogwarts vibes. I would love to visit there one day and see what it's like on the inside. It's sad that you weren't able to attend Hebrew U in person but I'm glad you still learned a lot through your zoom calls. I'm glad you were able to strengthen your relationship with Jesus over the summer through your internship. That sounds amazing!

  24. Hi Kev!
    Wow, okay, you're living my dream! I've always wanted to visit Scotland! It's a stunning country and I'm double jealous because the college you went to also looks like Hogwarts from Harry Potter. I actually had a friend that studied abroad at the same place a couple of semesters ago and he loved it! He just said the only weird thing was that the sun set supperrrr early! Also, I love that you're so passionate about ministry, the world definitely needs more of that! Nice to meet you Kev!

  25. Hi Kev,

    I love that you got to study abroad! That is such a cool experience and really opens up a person's worldview! I love to travel, and I am so jealous that you went to Scotland. I recently found out that I am Scottish, so now I would love to go and see it! I think its great that you hold your faith so closely to your heart and really devote your life to it. It's great to see someone who knows what they believe in and stands by it! I hope you've had a good semester and good luck with the last few weeks!

  26. Hi Kevin!
    It is so cool that you got to study in Scotland! The research fellowship is also so cool! I am actually Jewish, and got to go to Israel through Birthright a few years ago. I hope covid doesn't ruin your plans to get to visit next summer! It is such a beautiful country! I hope your semester has been great and finishes out smoothly!


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