Feedback Thoughts

 Seven Ways to Crush Self Doubt

I really enjoyed all the insights brought forward in this article. I think this is really going to help me build up confidence! I was really touched by the aspect of setting goals that you can control. I think I am defiantly guilty fo setting goals that are way outside of my control. Then I get upset when I don't achieve them when in the first place it was never possible! Ultimately I agree with al l7 of these ideals but I think there are one or two that will really stick out to some people. Highly recommend the read!

Why Rejection Hurts so Much

This article got pretty real with me. I felt like they were speaking directly at me! I don't always get super down when I feel rejected but I do causually find myself doing some of these terrible pitfalls discussed. Really I think the big one is reviving my self-worth. When I get rejected i can take it personally. It makes me begin to believe that maybe im not worth a whole lot or perhaps im worth even less than I thought. By shifting my point of view I think this is something that can be easily avoided.  

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