Reading Notes: Tibetan Folk Tales, Part A

 The Tiger and the Frog

Story source: Tibetan Folk Tales by A.L. Shelton with illustrations by Mildred Bryant (1925).


All animals understand each other.

A tiger named Tsuden was hunting when he was spotted by a frog who got scared of the tiger. 

He asked the tiger where he was going. tiger said he is going to hunt and he has gone 3 days with no luck.
"I guess ill eat you up"

The frog says "Im king of frogs and I can jump any distance" 

The frog challenges the tiger to see who can jump across the river. 

As the tiger went to jump the frog grabbed his tail and made him fall in.

When the tiger went to look at the frog the frog was already across.

Then the frog challenged them to both vomit. the tiget only throws up water and the frog throws up tiger hair.

The tiger was like "how did you do that?" and the frog said he ate an entire tiger the day befoe. 

The tiger ran away.

The tiger then met a fox and explained what happened. 

The fox laughed and said he would take on this frog. 

Tiger siad ok but im scared you might run so let's tie our tails together.

The frog saw them and was like "hey fox whats this did you bring me dinner?"

The tiger got so scared that it is said that he is still running with the fox tied to his tail to this very day. 

    I know there is a super deep meaning here but I can't seem to find it. I think I might be that brains is stronger than muscle or something like that but im not totally sure. If I took this into my own i would try to manipulate it to mean something totally different. I did enjoy the style though. It was easy to read and spoken in plain English, which I appreciated. 


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