Reading Notes: King Arthur, Part B

 The End of Arthur

Story source: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1902).


The story begins with a wounded Arthur lying on the ground after defeating Mordred.

King Arthur tells Sir Bedivere to go throw Excaliber into the waterside. 

Sir Bedivere saw all the jewels on the sword and decided instead to hide it under a tree.

When Arthur asked him what he saw, Sir Bedivere said nothing happened.

Arthur knew he was lying so he told him to go back and actually throw it in the water. 

Sir Bedivere did as he was told before the sword submerged a hand came out of the water and grabbed the hilt. 

Arthur went to see and many came and cried when they saw him.

Arthur then told them to put him into the barge. 

Arthur sailed out in hte barge into the sunset. 

Queen Guenevere heard what happened and became a nun. 

Lancelot went to see Queen Guenevere and lived as a hermit for 6 years until hearing of Guenevere's death. 

Lancelot laid at their grave until he died and Sie Ector de Maris came to speak a bit at his funeral. 

I wasn't crazy about this ending. Pretty much all your favorite characters just died after Arthur died. Its almost as if they only existed to serve a purpose in his story. After Arthur died they no longer had any purpose and so they were killed off. Additionally, they weren't even killed off in an interesting way. They were pretty much just all sad and spent the rest of their days waiting to die. Not a very satisfying ending. 


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