Reading Notes: Japanese Mythology, Part B


Story source: Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legendby E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917).

A man is sailing to suminoye. 

As he is sailing he remembers a story about a fisher named Urashima who sailed for 7 days and never returned home. 

After 7 days at sea, Urashima drew a turtle from the waters. 

But because the turtle is a symbol of a long life he didn't kill it and allowed it to live. 

Then he passed out and had a dream of a hot girl who is "the daughter of the dragon"

She told him that she was the tortuous and since he spared her he can come to marry her and live with her in her underwater castle. 

There they lived for generations in happiness.

He left to see his family after a while and the dragon's daughter gave him a casket and warned him not to open it. (i think inside was his immortality?)

When he got to where he used to live he couldn't find any sign of anyone. 

He was so upset he opened the casket and was then passed from this life. 


Ok, so this one was a bit more understandable that some of the others. the vernacular was more straightforward and I could track with the action a bit more. That being said, I was pretty confused about what the casket is but maybe I can adapt it in my own version to contain something else. I don't know if ill be able to replicate a similar style buy I will do my best haha.


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