Extra Credit Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales, Part A

 The Beggar King

Story source: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends by Gertrude Landa (1919).

Original Source


Proud King Hagag sat and listened to his priest read a passage about how riches don't last forever. 

He grew mad at this and asked who wrote those words. 

When the priest told him it was from the book the king took the book and ripped out those pages. 

Then the king went hunting a deer that eventually got caught in some tree branches. 

The deer freed itself and the king continues after it on foot.

He turned a corner and didn't see a deer but a young man in deer skin panting.

He said he is a genie that lured the king there. 

The genie disguised himself as the king and met the other men.

The king cried and was met by a woodcutter. 

HE tried to tell the woodcutter he was the king but instead the woodcutter laughed and made him work.

The king lost all wealth and was essentially a begger. 

Months later the 'king' had a feast for all the beggars.

The real king went to talk to the genie, when the genie asked if he was a beggar he said that he was a guide to blind beggars. 

The genie felt that he had learned his lesson and restored him to his former status. 

I love how this story removes the king from power. Very often in biblical texts, we see simple blessings of wisdom or strength gave but never learned. This is a cool instance where wisdom is cultivated and grown instead of simply given. I love to see that and I think it is much more valuable than if it were simply given.


  1. Just to say I am so glad you got a chance to read this story; it is one of my all-time favorite folktales, and it became famous throughout Europe also, in addition to being a famous Jewish legend. So, now you see how the extra reading works; it can be a chance to read more from the UnTextbook if you want and/or it can be a way to get credit for doing reading that is in support of your Storybook project if you decide to go that route. But you might just want to do a Portfolio, which is based on choosing your favorite stories from your blog since you have so many stories to choose from which could be developed in powerful ways! :-)


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