Extra Credit Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part A

The Captive Woman

Story source: Apuleius's Golden Ass, as translated into English by Tony Kline (2013).


This is setting the scene for hte story of Cupid and Psyche to be told to a young captive woman by an elderly woman. 

There is a man named Lucius who was turned into a donkey that is being held by robbers who also have a horse. 

The robbers went to sleep and the Old woman went to bring food to the donkey-man, and horse.

In the night the robbers woke and left, but Lucius kept eating, for he was starving. 

Eventually, Lucius went to get some drink and the robbers returned with nothing to show for their late-night outing except a girl they had taken.

The robbers made it clear to her that they weren't going to hurt her and were only interested in procuring a ransom. 

The girl cried more and more. Eventually, the robbers called the old woman over to sit with her.

The girl eventually tired herself out and fell asleep. A second later she sat back up and cried some more. 

The woman grew angry with the girl and threatened to have the robbers kill her if she didn't shut up.

The End.

So there are a few things I liked about this story and a few things I didn't. I don't think they went very deep into any character specifics. They could have provided more background on who the old woman is or who this girl is. I also can't tell if this is being told from a narrative perspective or if it's from the perspective of Lucious. I did like though how they provided so much detail on the girls crying. I really started to feel for her and understand why she was so upset. It really started to tug at the heartstrings which I loved.


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