Reading Notes: The Fisherman and His Wife Part 1

Story source: Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm

The Fisherman and His Wife, Part 1


There is a fisherman and his wife living together. 

The fisherman caught a flounder that spoke to him.

The flounder said he was a prince and that he wouldn't taste good, so the fisherman should throw him back. 

So the fisherman let the fish go and went home. 

He told the wife what had happened, she told him that he should have made a wish for a nice cottage. 

So the fisherman went back and called out to the fish and the fish appeared. 

The fish granted the wish for a cottage.

After a fortnight the wife got discontent and told the fisherman to find the fish again and wish instead for a castle. 

The fisherman was reluctant to go to the fish but he eventually did go back to seek out the fish. 

That is where the story ends. 


This story really paints women in a terrible light. It seems to me that this guy is just going about his business, just trying to keep his head down and earn a living to provide for his wife. However, the wife comes across as incredibly ungrateful. She is forcing him to go and petition for an upgrade that he doesn't seem to want. Sure, he never protests, but he never openly says there is anything wrong with where they live and he never expresses discontent. Also, there was a note that the fish was bleeding when the fisherman let him go. No further mention was made, which I believe should be rectified. 


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