Feedback Strategies

Be a Mirror I thioght this article had some really great practical ways we can give better feedback. Be specific, focus on what the reader is doing, focus on the process, make sure it can transfer, and take yourself out of the feedback. I love how this is constantly highlighting impartiality and objective criticism. I often fear criticism because I feel like its a personal attack. if you don't like my writing its because you don't like me. But, through getting in the mind of a good feedback giver I can see that is not the case at all. Highly recommend this one! Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job!" I know im guilty of doing this all the time! I never saw it as a bad thing though. I figured everyone needs positive feedback right? Wrong. It turns out this can be really influential. If we are always telling people they did great, they will never improve or change. We can't be afraid to point out ways others can be improving. I actually believe now, that if you rea...