
Showing posts from September, 2020

Feedback Strategies

 Be a Mirror I thioght this article had some really great practical ways we can give better feedback. Be specific, focus on what the reader is doing, focus on the process, make sure it can transfer, and take yourself out of the feedback. I love how this is constantly highlighting impartiality and objective criticism. I often fear criticism because I feel like its a personal attack. if you don't like my writing its because you don't like me. But, through getting in the mind of a good feedback giver I can see that is not the case at all. Highly recommend this one! Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job!" I know im guilty of doing this all the time! I never saw it as a bad thing though. I figured everyone needs positive feedback right? Wrong. It turns out this can be really influential. If we are always telling people they did great, they will never improve or change. We can't be afraid to point out ways others can be improving. I actually believe now, that if you rea...

Feedback Thoughts

 Seven Ways to Crush Self Doubt I really enjoyed all the insights brought forward in this article. I think this is really going to help me build up confidence! I was really touched by the aspect of setting goals that you can control. I think I am defiantly guilty fo setting goals that are way outside of my control. Then I get upset when I don't achieve them when in the first place it was never possible! Ultimately I agree with al l7 of these ideals but I think there are one or two that will really stick out to some people. Highly recommend the read! Why Rejection Hurts so Much This article got pretty real with me. I felt like they were speaking directly at me! I don't always get super down when I feel rejected but I do causually find myself doing some of these terrible pitfalls discussed. Really I think the big one is reviving my self-worth. When I get rejected i can take it personally. It makes me begin to believe that maybe im not worth a whole lot or perhaps im worth even le...

Extra Credit Reading Notes: Sinbad: First Voyage

 Sinbad: First Voyage. The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898). Original Source   Plot: Sinbad is a sailor who meets another man named Sinbad.The two sit over a banquet telling stories such as follows.  Sinbad had inherited a lot of wealth at a young age. He wasted a lot before he god wise. He sold his goods and joined some merchants. They set sail selling all sorts of things on various islands.  They had stopped for the night on an island and it began to shake. Turns out it was the back of a sleeping whale!  Sinbad didn't make it onto the boat and was cast to the waves.  He enventually drifted upon an island. He found some herbs and water and went to explore. HE then found some people! They told him of a civilization they had on the island and he was saved.  Thoughts: This story seems a little anticlimactic to me. Ok so a guy gets shipwrecked and he finds some people to help him. What is the point of tha...