Reading Notes: King Arthur, Part A

 The Drawing of the Sword

Story source: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1902).


There was no king in Britain.

Merling the magician met with archbishop of cranberry and decided that all lords and gentlemen of Britain should meet in London. 

When they met they saw a sword in stone and engraving saying anyone able to pull the sword out the sword is king. 

Nobody could pull the sword out. 2 knights stayed behind to monitor the sword.

New Year day the challenges went out to everyone. a knight, Sir Ector, came with his son and foster son. 

Ectors son forgot his sword so he sent his foster brother to get it. Arthur couldn't get into the house to find the sword. 

Arthur rode back and easily grabbed the sword out of the stone to give to his brother. 

Arthur's brother had the sword and tried to use it to claim the kingship. 

Sir kay say that Arthur got it for him. Arthur said he pulled it out of the stone. 

They made him put it back in the stone, sir kay couldn't pull it out but Arthur pulled it out easily again
Arthurs's father then realized Arthur must be the son of Uther Prndradon (the last king).

Arthur praised his parents for raising him and made his brother seneschal of all lands.

Then many came and kept trying to pull the sword (because no one wanted to follow a child).

Eventually, they could no longer deny it and all bowed down to him. 


I love this story. I have heard a number of renditions throughout the years but I don't think I ever heard the original. I didn't really know about Arthurs's brother so that was an interesting addition to the story. I think if I were to try to take it and change it for my own I would have the brother put up more of a fight for the kingship. 


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