Reading Notes: Folklore and the Holy Land, Part B

Lot and the tree of the Cross

Story source: Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish by J. E. Hanauer (1907).


Adam is scared to die so he sends his son for a piece of fruit from the tree of life. 

Instead, the angel gives him a branch. 

Seth planted the branch after finding his father Adam dead upoan return. 

After the flood, the narrative starts again witt Lot.

Lot was prompted to water the tree by an angel. 

On his way, he saw a traveler dying of thirst. 

Lot stopped and gave the man some water. then the man turned out to be the enemy.

Lot went back and filled to the water only to have the same thing happen agian 2 more times.

Lot fell asleep in exhaustion and was visited by an angel he forgave him of his sins and said the tree was watered.

Lot died in peace, the devil convinced Hiram to cur it down for the temple. the architect threw it away.

It was then passed through a series of mundane occurances until eventually was used as the cross to crucify Christ. 

    So I picked this article because I have had the privilege to study abroad in Italy. while in Italy I was able to visit this church that was painted all throughout the inner sanctum with pictures of this story. All the different uses of the cross were depicted in order and it was incredibly beautiful. Now I know where the story comes from!
    My initial thought on making this story my own would be to place it in a modern setting and see what would have happened to it today. Not too sure where that idea would take me but perhaps we shall see!


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